Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Several days ago, on 23rd January to be exact, I let a dear friend of mine read my then fresh-out-of-the-oven work. Although I personally am proud of that particular one, and think that it is my best work yet, I didn't have the confidence of hearing people's comments and criticism. Then, she told me that she really likes it, and that it almost made her cry. She read it over and over, and she also spread it to her friends. Afterwards, she told me one thing that not even one person has ever said to me. She told me, from that moment on, she is my fan.

Being someone's fan means that you believe in that person.

She believes in me, in my potential.

we're the one eternally

I used to think that the sky and earth were near each other. So I used to think that, no matter where I was, the people within my heart were never that far from me because we were living under the same sky and walking on the same earth. I wasn't even lonely. For the first time, for some odd reason, I find myself feeling lonesome, as if I am watching my shadow getting uncontrollably farther away from me with the setting sun.
World, tell me that isn't true.
But because there is the light of the singing sun, I tell myself over and over again, "I'm okay. I'm okay." Though I can't see, I can hear it. And I can feel it. We understand and love each other. 
     - JJ