Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Every Raya, my whole family and relatives would go beraya from house to house. Once, when I was little, we went to this house and nobody answered us. The door wasn't closed so some of us, including me, went in to find the tuan rumah. We searched everywhere, from the living room to the kitchen and from the toilet to the bedrooms. Nobody was home. However, there were foods and drinks (including the super-delicious sirap) prepared on the dining table. We looked at each other. Then my cousin, Abg Meer said he wants to eat. So he (without any feelings of guilty or embarrassed) started to eat. A few others joined him. I helped myself with a glass of sirap and some kuih raya with lemang. After we finished eating, the tuan rumah still wasn't home. So we nicely washed the dishes, went to our cars and left. And we laughed like mad:D

1 comment:

AisyahNasaruddin said...

ohh god haha
tht is sooo beyond crazy man