Monday, July 11, 2011

life is hard dakedo happy

This semester, I am taking a subject called Oral Communication. Basically, the subject is about how we deliver our speech.

For our first ever assignment, our lecturer, Madam Azimah, told us to do a 2-minute speech on a life-changing experience. And so we did. Each person would go to front and tell a story of the event that became the turning point of their life. Someone talked about her two friends who battled with cancer; one succeeded while the other succumbed. A close friend of mine talked about how he lost his dearest sister in a blink of eye. Another talked about losing her grandmother who she would always confided in. There were some who spoke while smiling, and there were also several who shed tears while recalling those memories.

Just from that simple assignment, our eyes were opened and we realized that each of us have our own story to tell. All of us have been hurt, lost something or someone important, and/or made a mistake and learnt from it. Just from that simple assignment, we now look at each other with different perspectives.

We are all human. We have flaws. What matters most are how we embrace those imperfections within ourselves and learn to cope with them.

Thank you for the experience, Madam.

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