Friday, August 15, 2008

lay your hands on me

To have a best friend is a great thing. To have best friends is way better. This year, I learned something important about best friends - they don't have to stick together all the time. We don't have to be together all the time.

These days, I rarely have a good long chat with my best friends. I don't speak much even to Ain and Syiqin. I don't even know why. All of us used to gather everyday and laugh our hearts out. All seven of us. I miss that very much. Us laughing. No hidden tears, no broken hearts, no jealousy, no betrayal. Just happy smiles.

I guess now we all are giving each other spaces. To make new friends. To break free. To become a new person. To discover the person beyond ourselves. To view something new. To breathe.

We all need spaces. We all need time for ourselves. But sometimes, when we're alone and feel like nothing is alright, all we need to do is pick up the phone, dial our best friend's number, and cry.


chengmon said...

things don't always go what we expect. it always changing. face it with confidence!!

Anonymous said...

people change and things too. so dont expect that everything will turn up just like we expected. Move on, darling.