Sunday, November 23, 2008

after midnight

I finished reading Mitch Albom's For One More Day two days ago, and my fingers are trembling to open and read it again and again.

The story is about a man named Charles Benetto, whom his Mom called him Charley while his Dad called him Chick. Once when he was little, his Dad told him, "You can be a mommy's boy or a daddy's boy, but you can't be both,". So he chose to be Chick, only to find his Dad fades away from his life years later. Although he grew up with his Mom, he still craves for his Dad's love. He still listens to his Dad's words, he still chooses his Dad over his Mom. However, after his Mom died, he made two lists; Times My Mother Stood Up For Me, and Times I Did Not Stood Up For My Mother. And the lists broke his heart.He became a troubled man. Alcohol became his best friend and his family deserted him. After receiving two wedding photos from his daughter; which he wasn't invited, he decided to take his life. But then he found his dead Mom, all cheered up on his return to his hometown, as if nothing happened. Chick then spent a day; one more day with his Mom and he learnt to forgive himself.

This novel is so heartbreaking. Especially the Times I Did Not Stood Up For My Mother list, and the part that he said to his Mom "I've made the wrong choice," and his Mom said, "A child shouldn't have to choose, Charley,".

Read it and prepare yourself some tissues:'(

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