Saturday, April 11, 2009

can you hear me

You know, in stories, most of us would only pay attention to the two main characters; the hero and the heroine.

There's this Taiwanese story I've watched around two years ago. Actually, I'm not a big fan of Taiwanese dramas except a few. Well, this one is one of the few.

This story tells about a girl who was actually very sick and in need of immediate treatment, but she wished to be free and happy, besides to discover the true meaning of life before leaving it behind forever.

I was really attracted by one of the supporting characters. She plays the hero's childhood friend. Her late dad was a kite-maker, while the hero was a very talented but troubled artist. Since they were young, every time he faced problems and need to calm himself down, he'd go to the girl's dad's workshop to make kites. That was how she became drawn to him. Eventually, he stopped going to the workshop. Even though she was actually sad because she couldn't see him that much often anymore, she was glad that the boy wasn't having problems like before.

The girl was a mute. That's what makes me like her the most.

She couldn't tell people around her what she really feels. Whether she's happy, sad or angry, she just couldn't say it. After she finally tells the guy how she feels about him, and he tells her that he only loved her as his little sister, she went to a bridge and and did something no one would ever thought she'd do. She screamed her heart out, using all the strength and voice she had, and cried until there were no more tears left.

How tragic.

You know, I've always been wondering. Why can't the hero and heroine end up with the supporting characters? Why do they always choose to be with each other, although they know they'd always be shedding tears. Just because that He or She is the main character, that doesn't mean they are The One. Just because the person who has always loved them isn't the hero or the heroine, that doesn't mean they can't make them the happiest person on planet, right?

Poor the supporting characters. They didn't ask to be the second best.

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