Friday, August 7, 2009

an open letter to Ms Spears

Dear Britney,

People says, there will come a point in our lives where a small thing which we had never took much notice before will change the rest of our lives forever. Well, that point had came into mine, and that something was you.

About a year ago, I watched you in your documentary, Britney: For The Record. To be honest, I didn't watch the whole thing, just a bit here and a bit there. But I watched this part, where the reporter interviewed you during the shooting of Circus music video. I couldn't catch what he asked you (but I'm pretty sure he asked you about your transformation from a troubled person to a better one), and I didn't remember your full answer, but I remember this one line. One line that changed the way I live my life. One line that changed me.

You simply said, I choose to be a happy person.

After hearing that, I was actually wordless. I spent days thinking about what you had said. I started to reflect back. You know, about my life, the person I've been and the person I wanted to be. You see, I was not a happy person. But after hearing your simple words, my mind was flooded with the thought, 'I want to be happy too'. I think and re-think of the idea of being happy again over and over. Then, I began to make my moves. I cleaned the mess that had been mounted in my brain, I removed all negativities in my mind, and I get rid every hatreds that had darken my life before. There was nothing else left, but peace in my heart.

Now, I am a much happier person. I started to get to know more people and befriend the ones actually used to dislike before. And you know what? They aren't bad at all. I discovered new things and experiences. I am leading a happy life.

Thank you, Britney, for that simple answer of yours. It was just a simple line containing five simple words. Yet those words had changed my life forever. I hope you too are as happy as I am now.

A blessed supporter of yours,

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