Sunday, October 4, 2009

the house of open

Friday's open house was awesome. Most of the people I invited came, and terima kasih banyak diucapkan (: My mom cooked nasi minyak and maggi goreng for us. She was very proud of her nasi minyak because she said she hadn't cooked it for a long while, but both nasi and the lauks taste perfect. Haha.

Nadiah was the first one to arrive. She came at 2 to help my mom and me prepare. Turned out my mom did pretty much everything when I was at school, so there was nothing much to do. In the end, we just sit and play Hangman. Then Nini arrived. When we were playing Nadiah's batu seremban, Azeem came.

They didn't really want to eat so early, because there were only four of us. Plus I've already eaten. So we just hang around and played Hangman where Nini was the woman who hangs. But poor Nini didn't get to hang anybody because her words were super easy, including KUIH RAYA and BIRMINGHAM. Hahaha :D

When they were picking up food, I went to Nadiah and studied her plate. "Tiga ringgit setengah," I said. Azeem who was in front of us, dropped the senduk and said, "Alaa, kena bayar ke? Kalau macam tu tak payah makan la,". I bursted into a giggle. He then said, "Ni bukan open house. Ni open shop,"

Even after they finished their food, the others still haven't arrived. It was already 4 o'clock. I was staring at my phone clock and grumbling when Nini said, "Janji Melayu kalau pukul 3, pukul 4 lebih baru sampai,". Oh well.

Azeem had to leave early because he has another open house to attend. We had our funny apologising-handingduitraya session which Nadiah laughed hardly at. Then, at around 4.10 when the three of us were playing batu seremban, Daia arrived. She joined us and we played in group. Both Nini and me sucked. Even after Nadiah and Daia had passed three games, we didn't even reached batu tangkap -.-"

Sheela then arrived with Ruhil. And so did Sze Ting, Jessica and her cute little brother, Benjamin (whom we called Jamin =P). Then with the help of Nadiah, I saw Ker and Adip standing not far from my house. I called them in, but they said they were waiting for Wan. The girls were picking up food when the boys finally came in. They went straight to the sofa and self-servicing themselves with the kuih rayas. I went to them and joked, "Oi, orang tak sempat nak ajak korang dah makan eh?"

Nico and Sawi who was picked up by Wan arrived some time later at around 4.30. When I was watching Daia played Hangman with Sze Ting and Sawi, I glanced at my phone clock and suddenly realized Lukman wasn't there yet. He promised me to come at 4 after his class ends. He replied my text and said his class hasn't ended but he'll come at 5.

All of us were busy playing Hangman (with 5 Amanah theme) when suddenly Wan called me and said Hijaz was outside. Well, he was just dropping off Lukman. Yes, he finally arrived.

We all had a good time playing 5 Amanah themed Hangman. Among the words used were Pn Erwani's CALCULATOR HELP ME and SHOBA KUMAR by Daia, and DARWINAWATY by me. There was this one time when we guessing Nadiah's word, and Lukman who was sitting on the sofa by door eating suddenly called out, "Saya putar, Halim!" :D

Sawi became the center of attention of my mom because he didn't eat anything. He can't eat the nasi minyak, maggi goreng, kuih raya and even the keropok. Finally it ouccured to her that the pudding was eggless. Sawi then immediately went up and fill the pudding in his plate.

Besides that, Jamin also attracted the limelight. Seriously he was cute, especially when he said "Takde.." when we were guessing his word. =P

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